Does someone want to borrow your car? Lending a vehicle to a friend or relative is a common occurrence. This friendly favor can be offered without fear of losing your insurance coverage, but there are some general guidelines to consider. Of course, you should never allow a stranger to use your vehicles. And if you are …
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Uninsured And Underinsured Motorist Insurance Coverage
Uninsured motorist protection will help pay your expenses if a driver without car insurance damages your vehicle or causes bodily injury to yourself. Since about one in seven drivers are currently not covered (and many more don’t have enough bodily injury or property damage), it’s important to ensure you have the the correct coverage on …
Safest Vehicles To Drive – Compare Highest-Rated Cars And Trucks In US
Driving a safe car or truck has many advantages, including peace of mind for the driver and owner, lower 2023 auto insurance rates, and smaller likelihood of damage or accident in the event of a crash. While consumers select vehicles for many different reasons, purchasing a vehicle is a long term and important purchase, and …
Cheap Student Car Insurance Rates For High School And College Drivers
Adding a teen driver to an insurance policy is enough to cause grief to parents of the most responsible adolescents. Due to high risk and an unproven driven record, premiums can spike as soon as the new driver is added to the policy. We show you several ideas that may reduce your car insurance costs, …
Common Misconceptions And Myths About Car Insurance
There are several misconceptions surrounding car insurance. Without educating yourself, you might fall into the trap of thinking you have coverage, or that you fully understand the rules and regulations about your policy. We try to help you comprehend some of the most important aspects about your policy, while explaining common myths. By knowing more …